Domain YANNICK Meckert
Yannick Meckert
Yannick Meckert works 4 hectares of vines and made 2020 his first vintage. After training on both sides of the world, it is in Rosheim that he finally set up his winery. Originally from Alsace, he has travelled a lot to open himself up to other cultures and views. On life as on wine.

The son of a winegrower, with a degree in viticulture-oenology, Yannick always felt at odds with the winegrowing environment that was presented to him. It was his meeting with Jean-Pierre Frick, relieved “that someone was doing something else”, and the discovery of natural wine that reassured him and encouraged him to set up as a winegrower. The first departure was to South America for a first job as a translator. Two years later, he went to Australia and joined a classic wine estate for a year. Back in Alsace, he worked for a while with Jean-Marc Dreyer, Sylvie Spielman and Domaine Meyer, and became familiar with non-invasive winemaking. In the meantime, he got out his backpack and flew to New Zealand, California, then various European countries – always working in wine. When he arrived in Asia, he fell under the spell of Japanese culture and seized the opportunity to make his own sake, in Tokyo, using an ancestral technique. Today, more settled, enriched by his experiences, he fully assumes his vision of wine and vineyard work. The vines on the plains, inherited from his parents, have been given a new start after years of conventional cultivation. Yannick considers that he is starting from scratch, working in the opposite way to the family model, with vines mainly on hillsides and cultivated biodynamically.
Naturally solitary, the young man feels at ease in his vineyards, doing his own thinking. He nevertheless appreciates the help and the look of others, like Vanessa who comes to reassure him at the time of his first blends and the beginning of the marketing. Because at the dawn of his first bottling, Yannick is still not sure of anything. Very precise when he vinifies and presses the grapes, he admits to thinking “practically” at the last moment. And when he has questions about what to do, he does not hesitate to consult the winemakers who trained him.
Laurie Wendenbaum